Wednesday, April 12, 2006

After 6 struggling years

After 6 years, I finally passed all of my subjects! Hooray! Too bad that our plant design only got a grade of 1.75. I know we deserve better than that. But anyways, after passing the last two removals I took several weeks ago, all of my grades are in. all I have to do is to march next week (well, I hope I’m on the list of graduating students cleared for graduation). I’m so excited, although I say this half-heartedly. 6 years was long enough for me to say that I had learned to love everything in UP, especially my friends and KEM. I will surely miss them. Everything’s not over yet though, since I still get to see them sometimes, so there probably be no closing chapters of my life on this aspect, just on the plain essence of schooling.

I may not be an excellent student, but my life completely changed during my college life. This has been the most memorable of all, and I got to say at least I learned lots of things not bounded by classroom walls. Think that’s more important. ChE may not be the perfect course for me, but I just learned to appreciate it, and everything else that comes with it. Education anyhow is education anyway, ‘ayt!

Goodbye College! Hello real world!!!


Blogger Yacel said...

mishu lui!

12:14 AM  

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