Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Tooth Fetish

Nobody knows about this, now I’m telling it to the world(wide web) – I have an extreme fascination, or fetish, for human teeth. What I mean is, I like looking at other people’s teeth, and it gives me a sense of completeness. Do you think it’s funny?

I have a good set of teeth, that’s what I believe, or at least my front set of teeth are good – since I already have quite a number of fillings already especially on my molars. Thanks to my dentist, which is by the way my aunt, who always gives me free dental services since I was a child and way back when she was still a student in CEU. I have had oral prophylaxis, tooth extraction, fillings, sealant, fluoride, bite plain and retainers all for free! And because my aunt taught me how to take care of them, maybe that is the reason for my teeth fascination. I’m happy about it.

People may never notice (and because I never let them notice) that when I’m talking to them, I’m actually looking directly at their mouths and staring at their teeth most of the time. Hahaha! It’s a guilty pleasure! I like to analyze how different each other’s teeth were formed, how canines are not of the same sharpness, how do braces stick to the teeth, and how they do magic and arranges your teeth properly, and why do some people are not as blessed as the others that they don’t have a good set of teeth. Aaawww, poor them (hehe).

Mike has the best set of teeth among all my friends, lucky for him. Pepot has the second best set, good for her. Who’s the worst? I won’t tell.

I only got one problem though, I can’t project my mouth to smile perfectly. I want to accentuate on my incisors up to my canines, and hide the others when I smile, but I can’t do it. I try but I just can’t do it. I just end up hating photo shoots because I don’t smile good. Darn!


Blogger twisted-mind said...

hindi naman ako yung may worst na set ng teeth di ba ^_^

9:05 PM  
Blogger Richelle said...

hindi naman sana ko yung worst kasi naretoke na yung ngipin ko.

magpapakaventriloquist na lang ako pag kasusap ka.

OT si louie!

1:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I also have a fetish for first I was in denial but I came to realize and accept it, even embrace it since it is such an odd thing to love that it seems almost normal

11:28 AM  
Blogger Natural Teeth to Extraction to Dentures said...

How about a reverse tooth fetish? Mine is I hate teeth! Want them all out of my mouth. Finally got my wish; I'm totally toothless and very excited about it. Once you've done this and you should, you will realize how refreshing it is to not worry about how white they are, how you need to floss etc. etc.

At night the dentures go into a bath and in the morning rinse and insert. But better yet, I can take them out whenever I want!

12:45 AM  
Blogger The Shoeless Schoolmarm said...

I am obsessed with only canine teeth. When I get really nervous or excited i run my tongue over mine and I check out all of my friends'. I also loveeeee bite marks.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Kotu said...

I have a teeth fetish and I'm not ashamed: I have fun with it!
I have a group on Facebook: "I like Big TEETH and I cannot lie..." - you're not alone! :D

6:36 PM  

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